Sunday, April 6, 2014

SharpDX Toolkit Tutorial 2: Game structure

In previous tutorial we have created a base game project which contains the bare minimum for a SharpDX Toolkit game to run. We will use this as a basis for next tutorials. In this post we will draw something more than an empty screen and will discuss the general structure of a game.

To make easier to follow these tutorial series I have created a repository which will contain all related code. Feel free to examine, download, play with it and contribute.

While the Game class is the central point of interaction of all components, keeping all functionality here makes it difficult to maintain, extend and reuse. To improve maintainability and allow easier integration of S.O.L.I.D. design principles the Toolkit library introduced the concept of GameSystem and Service.

A game system can encapsulate some reusable functionality like a particle system, camera management or AI logic. The important thing is that a game system should not be created for every entity in the game - as this would be a waste of resources and it will be difficult to maintain all relations between components.

A service represents, well, just a service in IoC terms. It allows easier separation of concerns and improved testability.

Let's try to apply this in practice. For this post we will draw a simple scene and we need to have independent camera control. To keep things simple, we will just rotate the camera around the scene. At this point we identified 2 main components - camera provider and scene renderer.

For improved maintainability, the game class will be responsible just for creating instances of the components and clearing the render target:

internal sealed class MyGame : Game
    private readonly GraphicsDeviceManager _graphicsDeviceManager;
    private readonly SceneRenderer _sceneRenderer;
    private readonly CameraProvider _cameraProvider;

    public MyGame()
        _graphicsDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
        _sceneRenderer = new SceneRenderer(this);
        _cameraProvider = new CameraProvider(this);

        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

In the code above, we are creating instances of our components and setting the root directory of the content folder from where all assets should be loaded. The GraphicsDeviceManager compoent is responsible for instantiating, resetting and changing settings of the GraphicsDevice and is mandatory for every Toolkit game. The other two components are custom created for our game. The Game.Content property provides a reference to the content manager, responsible for loading and unloading assets (textures, shaders, models and the recently added sound effects).

Next, let's have a look at our CameraProvider class:

internal sealed class CameraProvider : GameSystem, ICameraService
    private Matrix _view;
    private Matrix _projection;

    public CameraProvider(Game game)
        : base(game)
        Enabled = true;
        game.Services.AddService(typeof(ICameraService), this);

    public Matrix View { get { return _view; } }
    public Matrix Projection { get { return _projection; } }

    public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

        var viewRotationAngle = (float)(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 0.2f);
        var eyePosition = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(0, 2, 5), Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.UnitY, viewRotationAngle));

        _view = Matrix.LookAtRH(eyePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3.UnitY);
        _projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovRH(MathUtil.PiOverFour, (float)GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Width / GraphicsDevice.BackBuffer.Height, 0.1f, 200.0f);

In constructor it enables calls to Update method (they are disabled by default), registers itself as a game system and adds itself to the game services registry as a provider for ICameraService interface. In the Update method the camera provider computes the view matrix (animated rotation around center) and the projection matrix. For performance reasons it is recommended to cache the computed matrix values and update them only when needed.

The ICameraService interface provides access to camera-related matrix values:

internal interface ICameraService
    Matrix View { get; }
    Matrix Projection { get; }

The next class, SceneRenderer as you can understand from its name - is reposnsible for scene rendering. It makes use of the camera service and enables itself both Update and Draw calls:

internal sealed class SceneRenderer : GameSystem
    private ICameraService _cameraService;

    private GeometricPrimitive _cube;
    private Texture2D _cubeTexture;
    private Matrix _cubeTransform;

    private GeometricPrimitive _plane;
    private Texture2D _planeTexture;
    private Matrix _planeTransform;

    private BasicEffect _basicEffect;

    public SceneRenderer(Game game)
        : base(game)
        Visible = true;
        Enabled = true;


    public override void Initialize()

        _cameraService = Services.GetService();

The obtaining of the camera service reference is done in the Initialize method to make sure all constructors have been called and all services are added to the registry, therefore the recommended pattern is to register everything in the Game's constructor, then bind services and components to each other in the Initialize method. Of course this is not a silver-bullet method, so make sure you carefully examine your situation and fully understand why you implement a certain pattern.

Next, the content is loaded in the following methods:

protected override void LoadContent()

    _basicEffect = ToDisposeContent(new BasicEffect(GraphicsDevice));
    _basicEffect.TextureEnabled = true;


private void LoadCube()
    _cube = ToDisposeContent(GeometricPrimitive.Cube.New(GraphicsDevice));
    _cubeTexture = Content.Load("logo_large");
    _cubeTransform = Matrix.Identity;

private void LoadPlane()
    _plane = ToDisposeContent(GeometricPrimitive.Plane.New(GraphicsDevice, 50f, 50f));
    _planeTexture = Content.Load("GeneticaMortarlessBlocks");
    _planeTransform = Matrix.RotationX(-MathUtil.PiOverTwo) * Matrix.Translation(0f, -5f, 0f);

As the assets loaded via ContentManager are disposed automatically like in XNA, we can add any other disposable object to be disposed at the same time if his lifetime is tightly coupled to an asset, to do this - we are calling the ToDisposeContent method. When loading assets, the extension is not required (but can be provided if necessary) as ContentManager will try to append the default asset extension (".tkb", from ToolKitBinary) if one is not supplied.

The drawing of both objects uses the same basic effect:

public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

    _basicEffect.Texture = _cubeTexture;
    _basicEffect.World = _cubeTransform;

    _basicEffect.Texture = _planeTexture;
    _basicEffect.World = _planeTransform;

Before drawing an object, we are setting the needed effect parameters (texture and world transform), then we are calling the GraphicsPrimitive.Draw method which applied the provided effect and performs the draw calls on GraphicsDevice.

The update method reads the data provided by the camera service and updates the animation of the cube:

public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

    var time = (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds;
    _cubeTransform = Matrix.RotationX(time) * Matrix.RotationY(time * 2f) * Matrix.RotationZ(time * .7f);

    _basicEffect.View = _cameraService.View;
    _basicEffect.Projection = _cameraService.Projection;

In the final you should get something like this:

Full code with detailed comments is uploaded here. Feel free to do anything you want with it. Keep in mind that there doesn't exist an architecture that will fit all scenarios, so don't follow blindly all described here - make sure you understand what and when to apply.

Let me know in comments about which Toolkit functionality you would like to read next.

Happy coding!

Friday, February 7, 2014

SharpDX Toolkit Tutorial 1: Introduction


As you may know from the official site, SharpDX is a managed wrapper which brings all power of DirectX in .NET world. Currently it is the most feature complete library in its class, supporting majority (if not all) APIs ranging from Direct3D9 and up to Media Foundation and Direct3D11.2, all built for AnyCPU architecture, except Windows Phone 8 platform (due to its limitation). It is open-source under MIT license, so any interested developer is encouraged to explore the source code, reuse any useful approaches and contribute trough pull requests or bug reporting.

This is the first post from SharpDX Tutorials series which describes the general information about SharpDX SDK installation, structure and some information about a typical Toolkit project.

Enough talk, let's get straight to the action.


We will not use the easiest path, but will ensure that we have access to latest and greatest features available. Go to the official site and grab the "Latest Dev Package (2.5.1)" as shown in the following image:

This will download a self-extracting archive - just unpack it in some folder. Be aware that it doesn't create a subfolder - you need to specify it youself, for example "d:\Repositories\SharpDX". For easier reference, you can unpack it in a subfolder in the same folder where you plan to store your projects - this way we will avoid absolute paths and will make the project repository easier to move around, as you will see below.

Alternative installation methods

Option 1: SharpDX is also available trough NuGet package, but only signed versions (for .NET 2.0, .4.0 and WinRT) because NuGet cannot differentiate same assembly name for different architectures. Therefore, if you want to develop for another platform, the recommended way is to use either SDK installer or the development package.

Option 2: Official installer is the easiest way to install the SDK as it will add all necessary environment variables and will integrate out-of-box with the Visual Studio extension.

Option 3: "Build it yourself" - just clone the official repository, build it and you are ready to go, this method gives the best control over every aspect, but it is more difficult to set up. It will be discussed in a separate post.


  • Assemblies for .NET2.0 and 4.0 for Direct3D9 should work on Windows XP also.
  • On desktop platform, when using DirectX 11, it is required to have installed DirectX June 2010 Redistributable, DirectX SDK is recommended over redistributable to be able to use Direct3D debug layer (creating a device instance in debug mode).

SharpDX SDK structure

So, SDK is downloaded and unpacked - let's check what is inside. In the root folder, we are interested in the following  items:
  • Bin - here are binaries for various platforms and configurations;
  • Samples - here are all available samples, demonstrating usage of SharpDX API, the non-Toolkit samples should not be used as example of good architecture - as they were written as a proof that API works correctly;
  • SharpDX.targets - this file implements all the magic of wiring correct SharpDX dlls for the project platform as we will see further in this post.

Let's see what platforms are supported in the "Bin" folder:
  • DirectX11-net20 - AnyCPU binaries for .NET 2.0+ on Desktop platform (by "Desktop" I mean all PC platforms starting from Windows Vista and up).
  • DirectX11-net40 - same as above, built for .NET 4.0 and up.
  • DirectX11-Signed-net20 - AnyCPU, .NET 2.0 version, signed with a private key.
  • DirectX11-Signed-net40 - Same as above, for .NET 4.0.
  • DirectX11_1-wp8-ARM - Binaries for Windows Phone 8 for ARM CPU - to be used on real devices.
  • DirectX11_1-wp8-x86 - Binaries for Windows Phone 8 for x86 CPU - to be used on WP8 emulator.
  • DirectX11_2-net40 - AnyCPU binaries for .NET 4.0 which include all DirectX 11, 11.1 and 11.2 functionality. The DirectX 11.1 is available only on Windows 8 and DirectX 11.2 is available only on Windows 8.1, however these binaries can be used in Windows Vista or 7 as long as there are used only APIs which are supported on current operating system.
  • DirectX11_2-Signed-net40 - Same as above, signed with a private key.
  • DirectX11_2-winrt - AnyCPU binaries for Windows Store Apps, include DirectX11.2 support with same conditions as for desktop platform.
  • DirectX11_2-Signed-winrt - Same as above, signed with a private key.

Project structure

Let's create our first SharpDX Toolkit project!
Open Visual Studio and create a new WinForms project as shown in the image below:

For easier reference, I have created the project near the unpacked SharpDX SDK, so that the project has the path "D:\Repositories\SharpDXTutorial\SharpDXTutorial1\" and the SDK is in "D:\Repositories\SharpDX\", as mentioned at the end of "Installation" section in this post.

Now, when the project is created, we need to reference the SharpDX assemblies. For fine-grained control I recommend to reference every needed assembly manually, but as we didn't decided yet which features we need - we will just reference all Toolkit assemblies at once, and for this we will perform a small trick. In Visual Studio, right-click the "SharpDXTutorial1" project in Solution Explorer, then select "Unload Project" from the context menu. Right-click it again and select "Edit SharpDXTutorial1.csproj" to edit the project file manually.

Scroll down, to the end of the csproj file, and add the following code after the last "<Import/>" node:

  <Import Project="..\..\SharpDX\SharpDX.targets" />

After this, the end of the csproj file should look like this:

    <None Include="App.config" />
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
  <Import Project="..\..\SharpDX\SharpDX.targets" />
  <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. 
       Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
  <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
  <Target Name="AfterBuild">

If your folder structure is different - adjust the path accordingly. Save the project file, close its editor and reload the project in Solution Explorer. Now let's check the project references:

Tadam! Everything is automagically referenced. The included file will detect current project type and automatically reference correct assemblies - this works in the same way for all platforms.

But what if we want to use DirectX 11.2 on Desktop platform? By default are referenced assemblies for DirectX 11. The solution is simple - let's edit the csproj file again!

This time, add "<SharpDXDirectXVersion>DirectX11_2</SharpDXDirectXVersion>" in the first "PropertyGroup" node so it looks like this:
    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
    <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>

Save and reload the csproj file and check that SharpDX assemblies are referenced from a folder like "D:\Repositories\SharpDX\Bin\DirectX11_2-net40\".

As we have already set up all references, it's time to display something! At least an empty window, to be exact.

From solution explorer delete the Form1.cs as we don't need it and add a new class for the game. Let's call it "MyGame":

namespace SharpDXTutorial1
    using SharpDX;
    using SharpDX.Toolkit;

    internal sealed class MyGame : Game
        private readonly GraphicsDeviceManager _graphicsDeviceManager;

        public MyGame()
            _graphicsDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)


After this, modify the "Program.cs" file to look like this:

namespace SharpDXTutorial1
    using System;

    static class Program
        static void Main()
            using (var game = new MyGame())

Now, compile and run the project - it should display a window with a blue background. Currently it is empty, but in next tutorials we will add some content to it. Developers with XNA background may notice that the general structure of the game class is the same as in XNA, but in this case we have access to all power of DirectX11.2, including Tiling Resources and Shader Linking.

Alternative way of creating a project

A quicker way to create a SharpDX project is to use the SharpDX Toolkit for Visual Studio extension - it references all assemblies exactly in the same way as described above, however it does all the setup automatically and relies on "SharpDXSdkDir" environment variable to find the path to SDK installation. This variable is set when SharpDX SDK is set up using the official installer - but we didn't use this method because we installed it from a self-extracting archive (we want all latest features, remember?).

An additional benefit of using this extension is that it creates a basic class for the game and, optionally, all needed functionality - sprite batch, model rendering, input, etc.


Today technologies evolve at extremely fast rates and any good developer should keep learning and exploring new stuff. Feel free to explore the available Toolkit samples, source code on github and class interfaces (even the Object Browser window from Visual Studio can be a good source of knowledge).

As you can see - there is nothing difficult in setting up a basic project, even when doing all this manually.  I hope this tutorial will be useful.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hello world!

Any development should start with a "Hello world!".

This blog will gather all sorts of thoughts about development in general. As my current specialization is .NET/C# - most of the ideas will be biased towards this technology, however this may change in the future, who knows.

We will start with some small tutorials for SharpDX Toolkit, as the lack of documentation creates a lot of confusion. These tutorials assume that the reader has a good knowledge of .NET framework, C# programming language and at least some basic knowledge of Microsoft DirectX. All examples will use Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 (they may work also in Visual Studio 2010) and will be compiled against .NET Framework 4, unless stated otherwise.

Stay tuned!